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RIC Publications

Bullying in a Cyber World

$37.95 $18.98

Ages 4-5
Ages 6-8
Blackline Master

Bullying in a Cyber World

Helping children with cyber bullying

The blackline masters cover the following – what isbullying?, forms of bullying, cyber bullying, targets of bullying, effects of bullying, who bullies and why?,dealing with bullying, and preventing bullying. Bullying in a Cyber World can be used to supplement your school’s anti-bullying policy or in conjunction with its values program.

The books are a complementary resource to the previously released series on Bullying. The new series is supported by two full-colour setsof six posters, one set for older studentsages 8-13and one for younger studentsages 4-7.


  • eight sections (Ages 6-8 and 9-10 ), or seven sections (Early Learning)
  • supporting teachers pages which contain:
    ~ a focus identifying the main purpose of the student activity
    ~ background information
    ~ an introduction to the activity
    ~ questions to promote discussion
    ~ answers, as necessary
    ~ supporting exercises to further develop the student activity
  • student activity pages which include:
    ~ a stimulus text, ‘Read about it’, to inform students about the page’s theme and to promote discussion
    ~ a comprehension activity, ‘Write about it’, in which students demonstrate what they have learned from the stimulus text
    ~ an extension activity, ‘More about it’, which encourages students to think more deeply about the focus and relate it to their own lives
  • front pages which include:
    ~ detailed information about the aspects of bullying covered in the book
    ~ suggestions for promoting a ‘bully safe’ school environment
    ~ a sample bullying incident report for teachers
    ~ a sample bullying incident report for students
    ~ anti-bullying pledges for the whole class, individuals and home use
    ~merit certificatesand bookmarks to be awarded for demonstrations of positive behaviour against bullying
    ~ sample student internet safety checklist
    ~ sample parent internet safety checklist
    ~ a list of useful websites and literature resources to promote understanding of and information for dealing with bullying
  • glossary