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Grandpa Becks Games

Reign Of Dragoness


Deep in the magical and mysterious past reigned the Dragoness, queen of all dragons and commander of the Dragon Knights, her trusted attendants. Every summer solstice, dragons from across the realms gathered for a grand tournament, where clans would test their strength and compete for glory. Relive those enchanted days when dragon, knight, squire and page together celebrated the Reign of Dragoness.

Celebrate the Reign of Dragoness by being the first to play all thirteen cards in your hand. Each player must both match the pattern and raise the value of the cards until all but one drop out of the challenge. The Winner of each challenge sets the pattern for what comes next, and play continues until one player's hand is empty. Players collect points for playing all their cards first, and the player with the most points at the end of the game is dubbed Grand Champion of the Dragoness!

2–8 Players

20–40 Min Playing Time

Game Complexity (1=straightforward; 5=complex): 1.00

Age: 8+

Learn more about Reign Of Dragoness at BoardGameGeek - an online board gaming resource and community.