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Teachers 4 Teachers

History Now 2nd Edition


Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

History Now is an exciting new series, which aims to give students a sound understanding of the people and events that have shaped Australia’s society, culture and landscape, and explain how their own life and personal history fits into a broader context. This series enhances students’ Historical Knowledge and Understanding and Historical Skills.

Key features:

  • Written to the Australian Curriculum.
  • Students respond to each unit both factually and inferentially.
  • Inquiry questions addressed.
  • Each unit is comprised of stimulus texts followed by activities that further develop students’ knowledge, skills and understandings.
  • Stimulus texts presented in both textual and visual form including recounts of historical events, biographies, portraits, retrieval charts and tables, contemporary and modern maps, contemporary illustrations, photographs, timelines, breakout boxes, lists, journal entries and eyewitness accounts.
  • 16 units, each providing a minimum two weeks’ work for Years 3-6.
  • 8 units, with each providing 4-5 weeks’ work for Years F-2.