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RIC Publications

History - Australian Curriculum

$39.95 $19.98

Level 1
Blackline Master

Australian Curriculum History

Australian Curriculum History is a seven-book series linked to the requirements of theAustralian National Curriculumfor each stage of primary school from Foundation to Year 6. The aim of the series is to use theHistorical Knowledgeand Understanding strand of the Australian Curriculum as a vehicle for practising the skills laid down by the Historical Skills strand to answer the key inquiry questions.

Each book is organised into sections dependent on the number of content descriptions in the Historical Knowledge and Understanding strand for that year. Within each section is a number of 4-page units which explore different aspects of the content description linked to the key inquiry questions. The activities in each unit give students the opportunity to practise historical skills while addressing concepts which aidhistoricalunderstanding.
Where appropriate, links between the content of each unit and the general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities have been recognised.


A supporting teachers page which provides:
  • the content description being addressed
  • an elaboration relating to the specific aspect of the content description being developed
  • the key inquiry questions being addressed
  • the historical skills practised by completing the activities
  • the historical concepts addressed by the activities
  • background information to support that given in the student pages
  • teaching notes to assist in classroom organisation or to highlight specific activities
  • additional activities to extend the topic and develop historical skills
  • resources to supplement information/activities for teachers/students
  • time line related to specific people and events

Three student activity pages which consist of:

  • a stimulus text to inform students about the theme and topromote discussion
  • an activity page related directly to the text but requiringresearch, evaluativecomprehensionand application of historical skills
  • an additional activity page which may be either a continuation of the previous page or
  • an extension activity related to the topic but not directly related to the text
  • a fact file on each of the two activity pages that provides an interesting or unusual fact related to the topic

Related to each section is:

  • a series ofquizzes
  • an answer page

Australian Curriculum History is a resource to supplement any school’s history program, acting as a springboard for further investigation intopeople and events of the past.