With its up-close view of Mercury's craters and mysterious brown hue, this design is ideal for any astrophile.
It's a direct look at an image few people have the privilege of experiencing–Mercury as seen from space. Similar in appearance to the earth's moon, Mercury is riddled with craters left by space rocks, and its brown color gives it an air of mystery. Every detail is depicted with impressive realism using satellite images, scaled down and carefully added to this globe - it's as close to a firsthand encounter as you can get.
How it works:
MOVA Globes combine effortless performance with eye-catching graphics. Each handcrafted globe mingles vibrant artwork with our patented technology for flawless rotation without batteries or messy cords. Hidden solar cells use ambient light for power, while the earth’s magnetic field provides the necessary torque. These elements work in unison to power a whisper quiet mechanism, allowing the globe to rotate within a clear outer shell. Each piece is assembled with such precision, it appears the inner and outer layers are one – rotating without any outside power source.