Get rid of the rats and go for the cats! In Rat-a-Tat Cat, less is always better, and you want to go out with the lowest score. Can you remember the numbers on the other players' cards? Can you keep a poker face, but notice when another player looks pleased? Sharpen your memory and your timing, and have fun with the cool cats and bad rats of Rat-a-Tat Cat.
Brain Spice says: few games appeal to adults and children alike, but Mensa Select award winner Rat-a-Tat Cat is one of those games! Once you have enjoyed the basic rules, make sure you give this variant a try. It spices up the game very nicely! We can't claim any credit: the variant was posted to BoardGameGeek many years ago by Craig Duncan. :-)
2–6 Players
10 Min Playing Time
Age: 6+