With mechanics derived and then enhanced from classic trick taking games, Skull King is considered by many to be the ruler of all bidding games!
Predict each round how many tricks you think you can win after taking a look at your cards. Get your bid correct and you'll gain points! Get it wrong, and you're out of luck!
Skull King uses a 66-card deck that consists of five Escape cards, four suits numbered 1-13, five Pirate cards, 1 Tigress card, and 1 Skull King card. The game lasts ten rounds, and in each round, each player is dealt as many cards as the number of the round.
All players simultaneously bid on the number of tricks they think they'll take by holding out a fist and on the count of three revealing a certain number of fingers (or possibly a closed fist for a bid of zero tricks).
2–8 Players
30 Min Playing Time
Game Complexity (1=straightforward; 5=complex): 1.69
Age: 8+
Learn more about Skull King at BoardGameGeek - an online board gaming resource and community.