Dough Magic is part 2 in our series of books and is a practical guide to exploring dough in its many forms. Dough is a very tactile and calming medium, easy to make and pleasurable to play with. Dough Magic is particularly suited to the Early Learning Years. Its aim is to stimulate the creative and innovative minds of children and help them build new skills.
Dough encourages creativity, imagination, language and social interaction. This book has been carefully designed to meet the needs of children in their early years, giving them an excellent start to the exciting journey of learning through play. Dough Magic contains techniques to encourage and strengthen fine and gross motor skills. It is a step by step guide to create activities and experiences and a guide for children to explore in a fun and challenging way. There is a Nursery Rhymes section to help develop early reading skills and phonemic awareness. Recipe section including: introduction and purpose and step by step guide to recipes. It contains a wonderful collection of over 370 coloured photographs.
This book is a wonderful collection of self-explanatory photographs and text. It can be used to guide educators, carers and those who work with children who may have special needs. It also offers opportunities for parents, grandparents and the wider community to extend play at home, making it both challenging and fun.
Authors: Leanne Sharp, Sue Charlick