The amazing Kaiko Spikey fidget will be an instant favourite! It provides firm and textured sensory feedback when rolled up and down the finger. It is touted to have remedial benefit, stimulating acupressure points & assisting with circulation. These are stretchy but firm.
It is particularly good for those that pick and bite as the 'bitey' sensation stimulates in a similar way without the harm.
Ideally suited to those that like strong sensory input. The Kaiko Finger Spikey Fidgets are popular fidgets for those who need deep and focused pressure to assist with self regulation.
It is made of a powder coated metal that is 'woven' to be stretchy and flexible.
It is an ideal fidget for those who pick at their skin, fingernails and clothing.
Includes storage container
Expandable carbon steel metal material.
The metal is highly durable but can be over stretched if used not in accordance with its typical use by rigorous stretching. It is not meant to be pulled significantly so may not suit some that like to pull things apart. It will not recover if over stretched.
The spikey material is not designed to be over stretched/ over extended using both hands. If overstretched it will become out of shape and not return to its original form. Thus, not suitable for those that like to pull at things with two hands, like to pull things apart or generally like to test limits of products.
If wanting to wear it or alter sensory input you can gently over stretch it to increase its size. To do this take your time and very slowly work around ring with both hands putting tension on metal. Over stretching will cause it to loose shape and it will not rebound.
"I don’t think I initially understood quite what they would feel like. I was a bit concerned that the spikey might be a bit too pinchy and overwhelming but I was delighted to discover that it’s very similar to running your fingers over the bristles of a plastic hairbrush." - Sally
Some ways to use the spikey...
Please note if wearing the spikey for any period of time that it is important to monitor the skin to ensure it is not compromising circulation.
You can slightly stretch the metal, working around it to create a looser feel if preferred. Needs to be done bit by bit and section by section to create an even stretch.
Please note once stretched it cannot be un stretched.
Kaiko Fidget sensory tools can assist with...
Not suitable for children under three years old.
Check out our complete range of Kaiko Fidgets.