Pocket Dice are a versatile maths manipulative. By sliding different inserts into the pockets you can create a variety of games and activities to target specific topics and years levels.
Changing the inserts allows teacher to make the tasks simpler or more difficult.
Comprehensive teaching notes are provided for each game or activity.
Dr Paul Swan and Linda Marshall have combined to produce three pocket dice books aimed at different year levels.
The inserts have been designed to fit in an Elizabeth Richards Pocket Cube Dice, but any 10 x 10 cm Pocket Dice will do.
Book A (64 pages) is linked to the Australian Curriculum Foundation to Year Two content descriptors and covers topics such as: Naming numbers, 2D shape, 3D objects, time, basic addition and subtraction facts, place value and money.
Book B (48 pages) is linked to the Year 3 and 4 content descriptors and covers topics such as: Geometry – directional language, time, addition and multiplication, money, place value co-ordinates, angles and fractions.
Book C (48 pages) is linked to the Year 5 and 6 content descriptors and covers topics such as: Probability, grid references, fractions, 12/14 time, division with remainders, transformational geometry – flip slide and turn, and decimals.