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Wild Connections

Australian Alps Add-on - Australian Menagerie


Ages 6+

The Menagerie ADD-ON Habitats are designed to compliment your Australian Menagerie game. These ADD-ON Habitats enable you to play with addition animals, habitats and more players.

The Australian Alps Add-on adds a new Habitat with 4 new animals

  • Broad-toothed Rat
  • Corroboree Frog
  • Kosciuszko Grasshopper
  • Mountain Pygmy-possum

and new threat and management strategy cards for Climate Change.

Check out our complete range of Australian Menagerie games and expansions.

2–6 Players

30 Min Playing Time

Age: 6+

Learn more about Australian Alps Add-on - Australian Menagerie Add On at BoardGameGeek - an online board gaming resource and community.