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Check out our entire range of ShadowDark RPG game materials and RPG Dice!
In Shadowdark RPG, you and your group of crawlers use magic, steel, and wits to delve into mysterious ruins, lost cities, and monster-infested depths. Wondrous treasures and long-forgotten secrets await you! But don't let your last torch burn out, or you could be swallowed by the Shadowdark...
5E players will find what they've been waiting for: an intuitive and complete TTRPG that serves as a seamless bridge into the heart of the Old School Renaissance.
Old-school gamers will find a system that is familiar and nostalgic, but with major quality-of-life upgrades that modernize the old-school experience.
Your legend awaits, crawler. Lift your blade, light your torch, and plunge into the unknown depths of the Shadowdark!
Shadowdark RPG has familiar elements of classic fantasy gaming, but it isn't a retro-clone. A lot of new game design ideas have emerged in the last 50 years, and we wanted to bring our favorite concepts together into a nostalgic-but-new adventuring system.
In this game, torches only last one hour of real time. The characters (and players) must make decisions quickly, or they'll run out of precious light!
A few other features include:
Shadowdark RPG pulls players in faster than a gelatinous cube
This book is a black, digest-sized hardcover featuring a subtle, silver-ink print of The Ten-Eyed Oracle, the most notorious and feared denizen of the Shadowdark!
Shadowdark RPG is a complete game with all you need in one tome. It features:
The Game Mastering chapter of Shadowdark RPG is absolutely crammed with advice and roll tables to help you improvise and be surprised alongside your players.
There are robust generators for traps, hazards, rumors, events, adventures, NPCs, names, rival adventurers, dungeon and hex maps, taverns, shops, and much more.
Shadowdark RPG also features rich, d100 encounter tables for 22 adventuring environments. There are 1,100 unique encounters brimming with kinetic energy!
The Monsters and Treasure chapters get the same attention to detail. Random generators combined with hundreds of monsters and treasures give you all you need to dive in and let the adventure unfold.
Absolutely! Download the FREE Digital Shadowdark RPG Quickstart Set here.
It has two 68-page guides (Player and Game Master), eight 1st-level characters, and an expansive 1st-3rd-level dungeon crawl, Lost Citadel of the Scarlet Minotaur.
Mini Adventures, Character Cards, a Game Master Screen, and Cursed Scroll Zines are just the beginning!
We're proud to say that Shadowdark RPG does not use the Open Game License, so third-party creators can publish Shadowdark RPG material royalty and worry-free!
Check out a few examples of the fantastic work by Shadowdark RPG creators:
Kelsey Dionne is the founder of The Arcane Library, a TTRPG publishing company based out of Las Vegas. Her adventure, The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse, is the highest-rated adventure of all time on DMs Guild and has over 130,000 downloads. Her claim to fame is that she once met Gary Gygax when she was a young gamer, and he encouraged her to become a Dungeon Master. She's very glad she took his advice!
Lucas Korte is an artist and illustrator who works primarily in the underground death metal scene. His international roster of clients include Blood Incantation, Tomb Mold, the Black Dahlia Murder, and many more. He received his M.F.A. from the University of Notre Dame after studying biology at Wayne State University and fine art at the College for Creative Studies. After teaching art at the University of Notre Dame, Korte and his partner moved to Lancaster PA, where they currently reside. Korte is a lifelong lover of early sword and sorcery illustration and Lovecraftian cosmic horror.
Yuri Perkowski Domingos - A Brazilian artist and member of Ink Potion Studios. He's passionate about the art of old Warhammer and Fighting Fantasy books. Yuri works with his own pointillism technique and has illustrated for Old School Essentials, Warlock! and many other indie TTRPGs.
Matt Morrow has been creating illustrations professionally since 1996. He worked for a computer magazine as an in-house illustrator until 1999, where he crafted hundreds of editorial illustrations. Since then, Matt has been juggling being a stay at home dad with three great kids and working on freelance projects in various areas such as newspapers, children’s books, RPGs, and drawing subjects from hedgehogs to zombies.
Brandish Gilhelm - "Strength, honor, and beer." Brandish is the head of Runehammer Games and has published numerous bestselling industry-shakers including Index Card RPG, EZD6 by DM Scotty, and 5E Hardcore Mode.Abdul Latif - A horror and necro-surrealism artist based in Indonesia whose work appears in numerous band logos and album covers in the death metal scene.
Matt Ray - Matt Ray's iconic pen-and-ink style of classic fantasy illustration has been featured in notable publications across the TTRPG industry, including Back to BasiX, Dungeon Delve, and Old School Essentials.Mark Lyons - Mark's ink illustrations can be found in Old School Essentials and numerous retro adventures from the OSR scene, as well as the comic anthology Strange Stories for Strange People.