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The Arcane Library

SoloDark - Solo Rules for ShadowDark RPG


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Check out our entire range of ShadowDark RPG game materials and RPG Dice!

This 12-page booklet gives you the resources, roll tables, and alternate rules you need to play Shadowdark RPG by yourself, without a Game Master. The PDF is included for free.

SoloDark is intuitive and complements the core Shadowdark RPG rules. Aim to roll high, and keep your d20s handy!

Inside, you'll find:

  • An elegant Oracle system to answer yes/no questions
  • A d100 Prompt table to spark unexpected ideas and twists
  • A d100 Dungeon Name generator for endless adventuring sites
  • A list of solo resources by category: NPCs, Dungeons, Monsters, and more!