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ITC Publications

Beginning Teachers Companion - 4th Edition


The beginning teachers’ companion Fourth Edition is an essential publication for all new teachers in the profession.

The fourth edition includes new material on the Essential Skills of Classroom Management (ESCM) with positive and proactive strategies for maintaining a supportive learning environment. It also includes the High Impact Teaching Strategies - Excellence in teaching and Learning Framework and updated material on Classroom Layouts.

The beginning teachers’ companion also supports the beginning teacher through the initial years by offering:

  • Guidance with backwards mapping lesson and unit planning
  • A repertoire of evidence-based lesson ideas and knowledge of what will work in their classroom
  • Effective strategies for classroom management
  • Communication skills for the classroom, optimal classroom layouts, cooperative learning strategies and more.
  • Time-efficient ways of providing early, regular and meaningful feedback.

The publication is closely aligned to the AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

The beginning teachers' companion is a required / recommended resource at the following universities:

  • Western Sydney University (WSU)
  • Edith Cowan University (ECU)
  • Southern Cross University (SCU)
  • Griffith University (GU)
  • University of Southern Queensland (USQ)
  • University of Queensland (UQ)

“This revised and updated edition reflects the deep desire of both Paul and Gerard to reinforce and further the learning that beginning teachers bring from their various teacher education courses highlighting in very practical ways the theory of constructivist teaching and learning. What Paul and Gerard call ‘Instructional Techniques’ represent a “best of” the art and science of teaching—or what we call pedagogy—the repertoires of the very best teachers.

While it is presented as a companion resource, it is firmly grounded in cutting-edge educational research and reflects the very best of teaching. I believe it should be an essential part of the beginning teacher’s journey and one that education students would greatly benefit from over the course of their study.”

Dr David Zyngier

Senior Lecturer in Curriculum & Pedagogy

Faculty of Education, Peninsula Campus

Monash University