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Humanities and Social Sciences - WA 1st Edition


Pearson Humanities and Social Sciences Western Australia for Years 7-10 has been developed for the new Western Australian Curriculum for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Pearson Humanities and Social Sciences Western Australia 7-10 contains specific Western Australian case studies, content and examples to ensure a personalised learning experience for students. It also encourages learners to make connections between local and wider communities.

This series covers key concepts in the areas of:

  • Civics and citizenship
  • Economics and business
  • Geography

Inquiry tasks and student activities help learners to develop and grow key skills such as questioning and researching, analysing, communicating and reflecting, and evaluating.

Table of Contents:

  • Civics and citizenship Chapter 1: Democracy in action
  • Civics and citizenship Chapter 2: Law in action
  • Economics and business Chapter 3: Markets in Australia
  • Economics and business Chapter 4: Consumer rights in Australia
  • Economics and business Chapter 5: Business in Australia
  • Geography Chapter 6: Landscapes and landforms
  • Geography Chapter 7: Coasts
  • Geography Chapter 8: Changing nations (urbanisation and migration)
  • History Chapter 9: Overview: the ancient to the modern world
  • History Chapter 10: Investigating Medieval Europe
  • History Chapter 11: Investigating the Black Death
  • Geography ebook Chapter 12: Alpine landforms
  • Geography ebook Chapter 13: Riverine landforms

Key features of the Student Book:

  • Fully aligned to the new Western Australian Curriculum for Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Improves the learners knowledge and understanding of humanities and social sciences and the connections between them.
  • Comprehensively covers key concepts including Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, History and Geography.
  • Inquiry tasks and student activities enable learners to develop and grow skills such as questioning and researching, analysing, communicating and reflecting, and evaluating.
  • Specific Western Australian case studies, content and examples are provided to ensure a personalised learning experience for students. This also encourages learners to make connections between local and wider communities.
  • Developed using an Inquiry approach with tasks at the end of each chapter to help consolidate learning.

Each Student Book comes with an eBook

Key features of the eBook:

  • Available for use online and offline
  • Read the student book with bonus multimedia content.
  • Add, edit, and delete highlights and notes
  • Synchronise state and data across multiple devices even when the user is offline

When you purchase this product, you will receive a printed card with an access code inside.

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The access code will give 15 months access to the eBook from the date of activation.

How do I activate my eBook?

When you purchase your eBook, it will come with its eBook access code inside the cover.

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