$34.95 $17.48
Online Classroom: Mammals is a resourceful package! It includes an interactive online resource and an A4 book.
Online Classroom: Mammals is a package that includes:
Interactive Online Resource
The online resource can be viewed on smart/whiteboards, tablets and laptops. This interactive resource includes videos, audio, clickable buttons, graphics and more. It is specifically targeted at engaging middle to upper primary students by bringing mammals to life in the classroom.
Teachers’ Guide
The teachers’ guide includes step-by-step instructions to using the online resource. All you will need to know about using the online resource is provided in this guide. The code and registration details are provided in this guide too.
BLM Activity Sheets
Photocopiable BLM activity sheets which link to the online content are included in this package. Originally created for our popular BLM ‘Amazing Animals Series – Activities for Gifted Children Book 2: Mammals’, these activity pages have been modified for this package. Students can complete the activities after viewing the online content. The activities are leveled to suit varying ages and abilities.
Online Classroom brings mammals to life. The topics include:
1. Identifying Mammals
The first section helps students learn about different types of mammals, their features, diets and habitats.
2. Aquatic Mammals
Aquatic mammals have adapted to living in the water. In this section, learn about whales, the North American river otter and the dugong.
3. Endangered Mammals
Endangered Mammals looks at extinction and focuses on animals that are at risk.
4. Unique Mammals
The final section looks at the special features of the short-nosed echidna and the nocturnal bat. Learn more about these unique mammals in this section.
Online Classroom can be used to: