Online Classroom: Australian History Series – is a package that includes:
Online Classroom can be used to:
The curriculum-linked topics include:
Family Roles and Structures:
The first section encourages the students to explore family structures and roles in the recent past and in the present, and examine how they have changed and/or stayed the same. This section also gives students the opportunity to look at family structures in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies.
Expressing Time:
The second section is designed to help students express time. It introduces and consolidates vocabulary to do with the past, the present and the future by exploring significant events and dates within students’ own context.
Daily Life Now and Then:
The third and final section includes activities which help the students use a number of sources to investigate the lives of their parents and grandparents when they were young.
The curriculum-linked topics include:
Significant People and Places:
The first section emphasises that people have important stories to tell about the past. It also introduces the idea that places in their local area can give us a sense about what life was like many years ago.
Sites of Significance:
The second section introduces students to sites of historical and cultural importance in Australia to help them choose a site to study in their local area.
Changing Technology and People’s Lives:
The final section explores how advancing technology has changed the way we live. Housing, travel, communication, entertainment are points of examination.
The curriculum-linked topics include:
Local Indigenous Groups:
The first section gives students the opportunity to examine Indigenous Australians and use sources to understand where they came from and why they place so much importance on country and place. Students will identify a local indigenous language group to help them understand and develop an appreciation of local indigenous culture.
Local Changes and Continuities:
The second section encourages students to trace important changes and continuities in their local area, dating back to early colonial Australia. They will investigate changes and continuities in relation to work, transportation, education, parks and gardens and entertainment.
Development and Character of the Local Community:
The content in the third section has been designed to help students explore the cultural diversity of their local area and assess how different cultures have influenced Australian communities in relation to religion, beliefs, architecture and festivals.
Special Days, Symbols and Emblems:
The fourth and final section allows students to identify and discuss the origins and importance of special days celebrated and recognised by all Australians, and explore local and national symbols and emblems.
The curriculum-linked topics include:
Indigenous Australians:
The first section helps students to develop an understanding of the diversity and longevity of Indigenous Australians and explores their way of life prior to colonisation.
World Navigation Before 1800:
The second section encourages students to investigate the voyages of navigators worldwide and the contacts that they made with others.
Departure and Arrival of the First Fleet:
The third section examines why the First Fleet set sail, conditions on board, and the experiences of the passengers during and after the journey.
Indigenous People and Others:
The final section gives students the opportunity to explore the contact that Indigenous Australians had with their Asian neighbours and early European settlers.
The curriculum-linked topics include:
Establishment of the British Colonies:
The first section helps students to develop an understanding of the reasons why Britain decided to establish colonies in Australia after 1800.
Colonial Life and Patterns of Settlement:
The second section encourages students to investigate daily life in colonial Australia for Indigenous Australians and convicts, and explores the affect of colonialism on the environment. It also looks closely at the reasons behind the location of various settlements.
Events that Affected Colonies:
This section examines frontier conflict, internal exploration of Australia and the expansion of farming.
Australian Migrants:
The fourth section provides students with the opportunity to share the experiences of different Australian migrants, such as assisted passengers, indentured labourers and those escaping the Irish Potato Famine and the Highland Clearances. It also examines the contributions of particular migrants in Australia.
Great Australians:
The final section examines the contributions that Caroline Chisholm, Louise Lawson and indigenous guides and trackers made to shaping colonies.
The curriculum-linked topics include:
Australia’s Federation:
The first section helps students to develop an understanding of Australian Federation.
Australian Democracy and Citizenship:
The second section encourages students to explore the experiences of Australian democracy and citizenship for women, and asks students to further research the experiences of another group.
Australian Migrants:
The third section looks at the stories of people who have migrated to Australia and examines the reasons why they migrated.
Contribution of Migrants:
The fourth section explores the contributions that migrants have made to Australia and specifically focuses on the pearling industry and the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme.