
The award-winning ShadowDark Role Playing Game (RPG) has become a massive hit - and we're stocking it!
ShadowDark by The Arcane Library is a fresh take on "old school" Dungeons & Dragons. It sheds the weighty ruleset of 5th Edition for a crisp, modern, complete, easy-to-learn system with dozens of handy random generation tables, all in a single beautifully bound tome.
In ShadowDark, you and your adventuring friends use magic, steel, and wits to delve into mysterious ruins, lost cities, and monster-infested depths. Wondrous treasures and long-forgotten secrets await you! But don't let your last torch burn out, or you could be swallowed by the Shadowdark...
I have fond memories of my first Dungeons & Dragons experiences back in the late '70's. At that time, role playing games were a new phenomenon, and the rules were patchy at best, but it didn't matter. If we didn't know something, we just made it up and rolled some dice. Characters were created in minutes, the game was fast, a character's life was precarious, and the tension was real!
Not only does ShadowDark provide a similar experience with a much more robust ruleset... but it adds some clever twists to old style gameplay. For example, no character, even elves, can see in the dark. Monsters, of course, can see - and torches last just one hour of real time! Take a moment to ponder the implications of that, oh adventurer.
If you have never played Dungeons & Dragons but would like to give it a try, ShadowDark is a perfect place to start. No need to remember hundreds of rule nuances; ShadowDark is easy to learn as a player or a Game Master. The Arcane Library are producing many more helpful videos and resources... and at this moment in time, they are Kickstarting a beautiful two-volume addition: The Western Reaches!